Christ Church School
Christ Church CE Primary and Nursery Academy
Christ Church is very proud of its school which moved from Church premises in 1989 to a site at the top of Woodland Vale Road. The links between the two are strong and are of great importance to each other.
All members of staff, whether they are Christians or not, support the strong Christian ethos of the school in line with its mission statement. The parish clergy take weekly assemblies, say Mass in the school hall, and contribute to Religious Education and the planning of worship.
Clergy are part of the school team and attend social and fundraising activities. The Rector is an active ex-officio member of the governing body. The clergy are available to play a part in the life of all staff members at moments of need providing pastoral care and friendship.
Members of the Christ Church congregation serve as Foundation Governors. There are regular masses in school to which families of the school and members of Christ Church congregation are welcomed.
Pupils contribute to life at Christ Church by performing music, reading, leading intercessions, acting, serving and welcoming the congregation at different Sunday Masses during the year and by displaying work in line with church exhibitions and festivals.
Christ Church building serves as a valuable resource for RE, art, culture, citizenship, history, design technology and other areas of the curriculum as well as promoting SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural).
We at Christ Church feel very strongly that our Young People are not the Church of Tomorrow but are a full part of the Church of Today.