Holy Week and Easter 2025
Palm Sunday - 13th April
10:30am Sung Mass with Blessing of Palms & Procession
Holy Monday & Holy Tuesday- 14th April & 15th April
9pm Sung Compline
Holy Wednesday - 16th April
12noon Diocesan Chrism Mass at Chichester Cathedral
9pm Sung Compline
Maundy Thursday - 17th April
7pm Sung Mass of the Lord's Supper
followed by Solemn Watch until Midnight
Good Friday 18th April
Ecumenical Walk of Witness
Good Friday Stations
3pm Liturgy of the Day
Holy Saturday - 19th April
8pm Sung Mass for The Easter Vigil
followed by Easter Party​​
Easter Sunday - 20th April
8am Low Mass
9am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer
10:30am Sung Mass of the Resurrection
followed by Easter Parish Party