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Lent 2025

Lent starts on Shrove Tuesday (4th March 2025) , the period of the Church Year for penitential reflection & preparation. The full programme can be found on this page for Lent and on the Easter page for Holy Week. – this year includes a Community Easter Play at the start of Holy Week. The time before Lent is a time to think and pray on how you might keep this Holy Season, for example:


+ committing to a regular Daily Low Mass
+ spending time at Sunday Adoration
+ attending Bible Study
+ fasting from particular food, drink or activities
+ taking up Daily Prayer
+ donating to our 150th Anniversary Fundraiser to support the Church & Community
+ participating in Stations of the Cross
+ volunteering with one of Christ Church’s ministries
+ making a regular Confession


Lenten Simplicity

As Lent begins, you’ll notice a number of changes in the church and in the liturgy; these are to reflect the penitential nature of the season, with an emphasis on greater simplicity. The vestments at Mass are a penitential purple, with no Gloria or Alleluia until Easter and the use of the shorter Apostles Creed as our declaration of faith. The Asperges replaces the usual Penitential Rite. In the church itself, we use the simpler candles and there are no flowers or other decoration. 

Key Dates


Shrove Tuesday – 4th March
7.30pm Adult Baptism & Confirmation Class

Ash Wednesday – 5th March
1030am Low Mass with Ashing + 7pm Sung Mass with Ashing


Friday 7th March

6:30pm Stations of the Cross followed by Low Mass


First Sunday of Lent - 9th March

8am Low Mass

9am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer

10:30am Sung Mass


Tuesday 11th March
10:30am Low Mass followed by Statons of the Cross


Wednesday 12th March 

10am Rosary

10:30am Low Mass followed by Stations of the Cross 


Thursday 13th March

7:30pm Dvorak & Brahms St Leonards Concerts


Friday 14th March

6:30pm Stations of the Cross followed by Low Mass


Saturday 15th March

9am Confessions

10am Rosary

10:30am Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham with Devotions followed by coffee


Second Sunday of Lent - 16th March

8am Low Mass

9am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer

10:30am Sung Mass


Tuesday 18th March

10:30am Low Mass

7:30pm Adult Baptism & Confirmation Class


The Solemnity of St Joseph – Wednesday 19th March
1030am Low Mass + 7pm Sung Mass followed by drinks at the pub


Friday 21st March

6:30pm Stations of the Cross followed by Low Mass


Saturday 22nd March

7pm Mozart's Don Giovanni Hastings Philharmonic Orchestra


Third Sunday of Lent - 23rd March

8am Low Mass

9am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer

10:30am Sung Mass


The Solemnity of the Annunciation – Tuesday 25th March
1030am Low Mass + 7pm Sung Mass followed by drinks reception


Wednesday 26th March

10am Rosary

10:30am Low Mass followed by Stations of the Cross


Friday 28th March

6:30pm Stations of the Cross

7pm Monthly Requiem Mass


Saturday 29th March

9am Confessions

10:30am Healing Mass

11:15am Bible Study


Laetare Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Lent 30th March

8am Low Mass

9am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer

10:30am Sung Mass followed by Laetare Refreshments


Tuesday 1st April

10:30am Low Mass

7:30pm Adult Baptism & Confirmation Class


Thursday 3rd April

6pm A Town Explores a Book: Launch Event


Friday 4th April

6:30pm Stations of the Cross followed by Low Mass


Saturday 5th April

9am Confessions

9:30am - 12:30pm Table Sale

10:30am Low Mass

7pm Dvorak's Stabat Mater Hastings Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra


Fifth Sunday of Lent 6th April (Passion Sunday)

8am Low Mass

9am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Morning Prayer

10:30am Sung Mass


Tuesday 8th April

10:30am Low Mass

7:30pm Adult Baptism & Confirmation Class


Wednesday 9th April

10am Rosary

10:30am Low Mass followed by Stations of the Cross


Thursday 10th April

7:30pm Saxony Blues St Leonards Concerts


Friday 11th April 

6:30pm Stations of the Cross followed by Low Mass


Community Easter Play – Saturday 12th April
2pm (arrive 1pm to participate)








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