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Christ Church on BBC Sunday Morning Live BBC1
"About five years ago James Robinson of Surviving the Streets phoned and asked me whether it would be possible to place some food bank lockers at Christ Church. Sue and I as churchwardens were very keen to help and a year later - after much red tape! - they were installed, funded by our Sarah Brisco charity.

People often ask if they are still used. Indeed they are! In four years over 42,500 parcels of food and equipment have been provided and are still in demand. Your kind donations each week are helping this vital service so thank you all.

If you tune in on iPlayer to "Sunday Morning Live " on BBC 1 for this week, you will see not only James talking about the lockers but also Fr Thomas answering questions about Christ Church’s role in helping. This is a fine opportunity for spreading the word about our work in helping the community."

Maureen Harman, Churchwarden.


​Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – (18th to 25th January) We will join with our brothers and sister across the Church praying for Christian Unity, with a special Mass at the start and end of this time of prayer: 6.30pm on 18th January for the Confession of St Peter and 6.30pm on 25th January for the Conversion of St Paul. Each evening, there will be special prayers at Evening Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament at 6pm.


The St Peter & St Paul Chapel – It is excellent and timely news that, just in time for this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU), we are now in a position to implement the PCC decision made in 2023 to ensure continued use of the St Peter & St Paul altar by dedicating a new Chapel of St Peter & St Paul. This will complement the Chapel of St Mary Magdalen in serving as a memorial link with our other former parish, and act a focus for future work and prayer in the cause of ecumenism & Christian Unity under the patronage of these two great saints. All Masses and services for the WPCU will take place here, and it will then be in regular use throughout the year.

Confessions – We are also now able to make progress in relocating the space for confessions to a more discreet and private part of the church, with a new confessional to go in the corner nearest the north west door in due course. For the time being, confessions will be heard in the alternative designated space in the Lady Chapel.

Fishers of Men – Our next men’s group will meet on Wednesday 22nd January at 6.30pm. As we start a new year, it will be a chance for us to talk about the ‘January blues’ over a cup of tea in a friendly group.


Table Sales - The next sale will be Saturday 1st February 2025, running alongside the Open Day. There will be a meeting for all Table Sale volunteers after Mass on the Baptism of the Lord (Sunday 12th January)

Christian Initiation: Becoming a Christian & Joining the Church - We will begin Adult Baptism & Confirmation Classes on Tuesdays in March at 6.30pm, starting with the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party. The date for baptisms & confirmations is
still TBC, but will be from Easter onwards (likely May.)

Scripture Study in 2025 – On the final Saturday of each month from January 2025, we will offer an hour of “Bible & Bacon” studying the Scriptures together after the Healing Mass at 1030am, over free hot drinks and bacon rolls (with veggie alternatives!) First Session Saturday 25th January

Consecration of Fr Luke Irvine-Capel as the next Bishop of Richborough - As many of you know, Fr Luke, our previous Rector, has been announced as the next Bishop of Richborough. His consecration will be at Canterbury Cathedral on Thursday 27th February at 2.30pm. We will be organising a coach or minibus to go and support him at the service – please give you names to Celia at the back of church after Mass, and do keep him and his family in your prayers.


Please remember that any of the clergy are always available by appointment for
pastoral conversations or for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessio



150th Anniversary Celebrations 2025

The main week of our celebrations will be from Sunday 11th May - Sunday 18th May 2025, with major services & events on those two days - do please mark it in your diaries!


We are also putting together a programme across the year including visiting preachers, special services, social events and open days.

You can contact the coordinating and planning group via

Regular Worship & Prayer

Regular Worship & Prayer


Sunday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before Mass is now in the Sanctuary & High Altar at 9am on Sundays, with Morning Prayer at 9.15am. All are very welcome to join in the Sanctuary or simply to sit in quiet contemplation of the Lord present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

The Daily Offices: Morning & Evening Prayer are usually offered during the week - all are welcome to start or end the day in prayer lasting around 20 minutes. Morning Prayer at 8.30am, Evening Prayer at 6pm.

Daily Mass is offered every day of the week at Christ Church, a quieter service lasting around 20 minutes – 1030am on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Saturdays; 7pm on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Regular Confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation) – There is a priest in the confessional at 9am before the 1030am Saturday Mass. Regular sacramental confession is a wonderful and liberating gift of God to His Church, and all are
strongly urged to make use of it.


Healing Masses – The 1030 Low Mass on the last Saturday of every month includes the opportunity receive ministries of healing (the Laying on of Hands & Anointing with Oil). The next will be on Saturday 25th January.

Requiem Masses – The 7pm Low Mass on the last Friday of every month is offered as a requiem, for the souls of all those whose anniversaries fall that month. The next will be on Friday 31st January.

Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham Masses – On the Third Saturday of the month, the Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham meets for Mass at 1030am, and will now offer the chance to pray the Rosary at 10am. The next will be on Saturday 18th January.


Monthly Event

Everyone's Welcome at All Church Services and Events

Table Sales - Next Sale 1st February 2025  First Saturday of the Month 9:30am - 12:30pm Christ Church Crypt and Hall via Church Courtyard on London Road - TN37 6GL Variety of stalls including: Books, Bric-a-brac, Games and Puzzles, Sewn and Knitted Items, Clothes, Jewellery, Toiletries, Raffle, many other stalls.... Refreshments in the CRYPT CAFE

Weekly Events

Everyone's Welcome at All Church Services and Events 

Cosy Crypt Church Crypt - Entrance is the second set of double door on the right as you enter the Church Courtyard - London Road - TN37 6GL - Thursdays 10am - 4pm Cosy Crypt is about being able to share conversation in a relaxed & welcoming atmosphere. We welcome all age groups. A Citizens Advice 1066 adviser is available from 10am-3pm if you need advice. If you'd prefer to sit in the company of others that's fine too. It's free of charge with free tea, coffee and biscuits. In Partnership with Citizens Advice 1066. It will be great to meet you.

Book Sales

Book Sales Parish Centre Book Room - entrance far left hand corner of Church Courtyard - London Road - TN37 6GL.  Wednesdays 9:30am - 10:30am Wide variety of donated books for sale, come and have a browse!

The Damascus Runners -  Weekly social walking group - Meeting on the seafront opposite Bonjour Café - Fridays 11am - A gentle walk along the seafront then enjoy coffee afterwards. Why not join us?

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