Are you looking for a wintery project whilst you snuggle under the covers during the long, dark evenings? Have a go at stitching one of our bookmarks! And when you've finished - send us a photo to:
And if you have not sewn for a while it should help to get you stitching and drawing!
There are a choice of patterns, all based on the painted ceiling above the altar in Christ Church. This beautifully decorative ceiling was created in the Victorian era and if you have not visited the church, do pop in to take a look, as it is stunning. To make the bookmark, the design is traced then stitched onto fabric which is trimmed and hemmed and attached to a piece of felt. The process is like how the tiles will be made for the wall hanging.
While we have designed bookmarks, the process can easily be adapted to make coasters if you want to sew something speedier or make something to place your morning cuppa on.
1. Choose a piece of fabric for the front of your bookmark.
2. Take a template and trace the design by putting the fabric on top of the template and lightly following the lines with a removable pen. if you find it difficult to see the design through the fabric, try taping both template and fabric onto a window. Alternatively draw your own design straight onto the fabric. You don’t need to draw the whole design, try some reference points then improvise the rest as you stitch. You can also use a pencil, but if so try to only draw where you will sew, so you will be covering the lines with stitching.
3. Choose your threads and stitch your design. With hand embroidery, it can be easier to put the fabric in a hoop, so it doesn’t pucker.
4. Stitch your design in any way you wish, relax, and enjoy it. If you wish, you could also applique some fabric to your design.
5. Trim the fabric to the size of the outer template. This gives a small border. Fold a hem of fabric to the back (about about 65mm) all the way round. Press it with an iron to make a crease around the edge.
6. Pin the fabric onto the felt. Sew around the folded/hemmed edge of the embroidered fabric to attach it to the felt.
7. Trim the
edge of the felt so there is a small border. If you wish, add a piece of ribbon or a tassel.