Uniformed Groups
Our Uniformed Groups: Beavers, Cubs, and ScoutsThe 9th Hastings (Christ Church) Scout Group celebrated 100 years of activity in 2009. It has a thriving and enthusiastic Beaver colony, Cub pack and Scout troop. These sections are run by well trained leaders and provide exciting, adventurous and stimulating activities for boys and girls aged from 6 - 14 years. They learn many new skills and gain confidence and ability in their everyday lives .
The Group attends two Church Parades each year; one in April at St George’s-tide (the Patron Saint of Scouting) and the other in October at St Francis and St Teresa-tide (the Patron Saints of the group.)
The Group badge and motto show three nails of the cross and represent St Francis’s stigmata, the motto being ‘we bear the wounds of Christ`.
The group has an Executive Committee which consists of the section leaders, a Chairman , Treasurer, Secretary and Parent representative, the Rector is invited to attend as the group is supported by the Church. The trustees form the Executive Committee, raising funds and supporting Group activities to ensure it is able to function successfully.
Uniformed groups meet in the Parish Centre adjacent to the church.