Main Church
The East Window
East End

Adoration of the Heavenly Court
This set of windows was given by subscription in 1875 in memory of Jane Elizabeth Anne Vaughan, died 1873.
From the left, Window 1 (Starting at the top of the window)
Cherubim, Child Saints: Faith and Prisca, Cyril and Pancras. Holy Women: Anne, Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene, Helen, Margaret, Elizabeth of Hungary.
Window 2
Angels, Apostles : Peter, Paul, Andrew, John, James the Great, James the Less, Simon, Philip, Bartholomew, Jude, Thomas. Martyrs: Stephen, Lawrence, Thomas of Canterbury,. Kings: Gaspar, Melchior, Balthasar, Oswald, Kenelm, Edmund.
Central Window
The Holy Dove, Christ in Glory: Emblems of the Four Evangelists. Archangels: Raphael, Gabriel, Michael. Our Lady and Virgin Saints: Agnes, Catherine, Margaret, Etheldreda, Caecilia, Ursula. Archbishops: Dunstan, Augustine, Anselm, Patrick. Doctors: Jerome, Augustine, Gregory , Ambrose, John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzen, Athanasius, Basil.
Window 4
Angels, Patriarchs, Prophets, Kings: Isaiah, David, Isaac, Joshua, Solomon, St John Baptist, Jacob, Moses, Abraham, Adam. Bishops: Cuthbert, Osmund, Edmund. Soldiers: Sebastian, Alban, George, Centurion, Maurice.
Window 5
Seraphim, Hermits: St Neot, St Leonard, St Godrick, St Guthlac. Monks and Friars: Francis, Dominic, Benedict, Stephen Harding, Venerable Bede.
On the North and South Sides Under the Gallery

The Annunciation and Visitation
The Windows, originally in the south west porch were given circa 1897
Below the West Gallery
Holy Baptism and its Types

The Baptism of Christ

The Safety of Noah

Christ and Nicodemus

Moses in the Bulrushes

The Commission to Baptise

The Passage of the Red Sea
In the Porch

Subject: Our Lady with the Holy Child, and St Joseph
Given in memory of "Little Arthur Abney Walker" in 1897
Map of the Church
To help locate the windows when you visit the church
East End with Clerestory Windows

North Side with Clerestory Windows
South Side with Clerestory Windows
West End with Choir/Organ Gallery and Clerestory Windows Above
The Clerestory Windows
Subject: All Saints
These windows were given by varioius donors in 1904. They were made by Burlison and Grylls.
North Side
The Donors or In Memory of are under the name of the saint
Doctors of the Church

St Ambrose
St Jerome
Doctors of the Church

St Augustine of Hippo
The Parishioners

St Gregory

St Bernard
Georgiana Budd
St Francis
Margaret Sandeman

St Athanasius
Robert William Mitchell

St Charles Borromeo
Henrietta Barbara Vaughan
This window was given by Mrs Vaughan in memory of the dedication of the Vaughan Memorial (28th October 1903) and "in thankful recognition of the faithful love and service and devotion and sacrifice and patience that are crowned by it." St Charles was chosen by Fr Moultrie to keep in memory the Christian name of the founder.
Eastern Windows of the North Clerestory
Subject: Types and Prophecies
The windows were given in 1882, two by Elizabeth Maria Roempke, two by Mr Vaughan.
They were made by Hardman of Birmingham

Jacob's Dream
Isaiah's Vision

Abel's Sacrifice

The Offering of Isaac
South Side

St Peter
Margaret Sandeman

St Paul
Margaret Sandeman

St Perpetua
In Memory of
Mabel Caroline Batterham
St Catherine
In Memory of
Florence Beasley

St Nicholas
Patron of Sailors and of Children
In Memory of
Henry and Ethel Stanley Clarke

St Stephen
Emma Menzies

St Alban
Harriet Mellersh

St Dunstan
In Memory of
Georgiana Vaughan
St Cuthbert
In Memory of
Cuthbert Vaughan

St Leonard
Patron of the Town
In Memory of
Ethel Harriet Crofts
West End
Subject: Prophets, Evangelists, Our Lady, and the Archangels
The windows were given by various donors in 1904. They were made by Burlison and Grylls
(These photos of the West End were taken from the Sanctuary at the East End of the Church approx 100 feet away)

From the left top down-
Window 1 - St Gabriel - In memory of Judith Pulteney
Window 2 - Our Lady, St Michael - In memory of Evelyn Stanley Clarke
Window 3 - St Raphael - In memory of Frederic Call

From the left top down -
Windows 1 and 4 are obscured by the organ casing so are not shown.
Window 1 - St Matthew, Isaiah -
In memory of Mary Backhouse
Window 2 - St Mark, Jeremiah -
In memory of Ellen Frances Backhouse
Window 3 - St Luke, Ezekiel -
In memory of Anthony William Clarke
Window 4 - St John, Daniel-
In memory of Ellen Harriet Ludlam
The Lady Chapel
Subject: The History of Our Lady
The windows were given anonymously in 1877. They were made by Heaton, Butler and Bayne.

Window 1 - The Burning Bush, Gideon's Fleece
Window 2 - The Nativity of Our Lady, Her Dedication in the Temple, Her Espousal to St Joseph
Window 3 - The Annunciation, The Birth of Christ

Window 1 - The Adoration by the Shepherds, The Presentation in the Temple
Window 2 - The Adoration of the Magi, The Flight into Egypt, Our Lord Taught by His Mother
Window 3 - With the Doctors in the Temple, The Holy Family
The Lady Chapel Sanctuary

Our Lady and St John

The Marriage at Cana

The Crucifixion
The St Mary Magdalene Chapel